In this post, I will share the important signs of vitamin deficiency that are produced by the human body. That is because your body starves essential minerals and vitamins such as vitamins B12, B7, Vitamin C, iodine, etc. If your body lacks these nutrients that hint about an upcoming serious health issue.
Vitamin deficiencies are a more serious health issue than you think. An estimated more than 1 billion people are deficient in Vitamin D. A severe Vitamin A deficiency may even lead to death too.
When you do not pay proper attention to a well-balanced and nutritious diet, unknowingly spoils your health. A diet lacking in nutrients may cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms. These symptoms help to recognize the various vitamin deficiencies.
Your body’s always communicating potential vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Just recognize them and adjust your daily diet accordingly.
The following are the most common physical condition that we consider:
Important Physical Signs of Vitamin Deficiency

1. Pale Skin:
If you notice your complexion is growing pale, it may be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. You need to increase your Vitamin B12 intake. When it’s lacking, your skin can suffer and you’ll also feel fatigued muscle pain and tiredness. So pale skin indicates vitamin B12 deficiency.
Solutions: The best way to improve this condition is to eat plenty of:
Salmon, red meat, fortified cereal, yogurt, and swiss cheese.
2. Bleeding Gums:
Sometimes a rough tooth brushing technique is at the root of bleeding gums, but if you notice that your gums are so sensitive they are bleeding frequently. A diet with vitamin C deficiency can also be responsible for it. Vitamin C plays important role in maintaining immunity levels, and wound healing, and even acts as an antioxidant, helping prevent cell damage. Therefore bleeding gums can be considered a Vitamin C deficiency.
Solutions: Try to add Vitamin C rich food to your diet such as:

Oranges, red peppers, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, strawberries, and grapefruit.
3. Puffy Eyes:
Upon waking, everyone’s eyes may seem puffy. But excessing puffiness may be signaling a low supply of iodine in your body. This is a very common symptom if you are iodine deficient.
Solutions: To avoid this situation start to eat the following to fill up iodine:
Strawberries, yogurt, potatoes, Cranberries, kelp, and navy beans.
4. Dry Hair:

Dry hair or hair loss is very common but it’s also a sign of vitamin deficiency. If your hair is unmanageable due to dryness, this could be a hint that you are deficient in Vitamin B7 or biotin. You may also find a significant amount of dandruff on your head. One culprit could be antibiotics.
The solution for it is to eat vitamin B-rich foods:
Eggs, almonds, nuts, legumes, and whole grains.
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5. Pale Lips:
Take a good look at your lips. If they are pale, it could mean your body needs more iron. An iron deficiency can weaken your immune system. Catching more colds can also be due to low iron levels. If this is the case follow a balanced diet,
Solutions: change your regular diet and include Iron-rich foods:
Red meat, seafood, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, iron-fortified cereals, and peas.
6. Poor Night Vision:
If you have poor night vision and white growths in the eyes, it is due to low intakes of vitamin A, which is often linked to a condition known as night blindness. It reduces people’s ability to see in low light or darkness.
Solutions: Adding more vitamin A, rich foods to your diet Such as:
Dark leafy greens and yellow-orange colored vegetables, fish, and eggs can help you avoid these signs.
I hope, all these physical conditions will help you to understand the various signs of vitamin deficiency.
Finally, you always notice any physical change in the body and become curious about that, so you will find the cause behind it.
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Image from: Pixabay
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